All About Kelwyn

Kelwyn Anord

Kelwyn's origins are as mysterious as he is. He was once simply a nameless and faceless merchant NPC that a Dungeon Master created in order to sell needed magic items to PCs in a D&D game. He was utilized again and again, until somewhere along the line he gained sentience and realized that he was a fictional character in a roleplaying game. Thanks to his Chaotic Neutral nature, however, he was perfectly fine with this new awareness! As he grew in power he learned how to exist in more and more universes, and now he seems to exist in nearly any universe that magic exists in.

Kelwyn is from the dimension known as Da'ma, and as such he is Da'man. Racially he is of The Síoraí, although he appears to be perfectly human. He's 436 years old (although he has only actually existed for 25 years), 5'10" (177.8 cm) tall, 250lbs (113kg) in weight with gray muttonchops and very short graying hair. He prefers to wear various shades of red, but can be found wearing black as well.

Kelwyn carries a Staff of Dimensional Acumen, a Wand of Blast of Force, a ring of Luck's Folly, the Amulet of Xarvox, wears a Belt of Protection and is garbed in red robes (Vestments of Steadfast Spellcasting from the Planar Handbook. The wearer ignores the magic traits of a plane and casts his spells normally). He possesses multiple other types of wands, a Rod of Enervation (25 charges) and even owns the artifact known as Mystwalker. Despite his abundance of magic items, Kelwyn is a powerful spellcaster in his own right and as such is considered to be fairly dangerous by various authorities.

What isn't commonly known is that Kelwyn is friends with a large number of merchants at the Bazaar on Deeva, and thanks to various schemes he perpetuated in the past he is able to get significant sale prices on objects which he then resells for exorbitant prices on other magical dimensions. He has, however, sold magic items at reasonable prices to adventurers if he was fond of them or if they were assisting him in some way.

Kelwyn is known for having a fondness for members of the Sylvan race, and will go out of his way to present them with cute little baubles or coins. He will happily drop whatever he's doing in order to come to their defense, and the quickest way to get on his bad side (also known as DEAD) is to harm one of the fae in his presence or for news of the assault to get back to him. He is known to them as Cara Dearg (ka-ra deerg), which translates as Red Friend in the common language.

Kelwyn has decided to take over the Dimension of Jer (known only as Earth to the humans that live there), and has already established a stronghold there. He's not doing so out of some grand plan or for nefarious purposes; his reason is quite simple - the inhabitants of Jer simply don't know how to have a good laugh, and he intends to help them along.
